Confluent and StarTree

For Data Streaming and Real-Time Analytics

      Confluent Cloud makes for a perfect pairing with StarTree Cloud. Connect your enterprise-grade data streaming platform with a user-facing real-time analytics database designed for high speed and massive scale for an end-to-end event-streaming architecture.

      Confluent Cloud for Data Streaming

      Real-time data streaming is the revolutionary technology driving innovation across many use cases. Confluent Cloud is a fully-managed, cloud-native data streaming platform that integrates all your disparate data systems, from your Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) databases (whether SQL or NoSQL) to your Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) databases, stream processing, and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) systems, plus your data warehouse, data lake or data lakehouse.

      StarTree Cloud for Real-Time, User-Facing Analytics

      StarTree Cloud is the real-time OLAP platform for user-facing analytics. Real-time analytics require you to search through petabyte-scale data at sub-second speeds — even as low as single-digit milliseconds. User-facing analytics means opening up your analytics systems to all parties, whether internal users, partners, or external users. So now you have to produce results at low latencies for potentially hundreds of thousands of queries per second. All while ingesting data from Confluent Cloud topics at the rate of millions of events per second.

      Seamlessly Integrate Your Data Streams

      StarTree Cloud includes a certified Confluent Cloud integration within StarTree Data Manager, our toolset for integrating all of your data sources. Just point StarTree Data Manager at your Confluent Cloud topics, and it will immediately and securely begin ingesting data streams in real time. Meanwhile, you can also use StarTree Data Manager to integrate your historical data from batch-oriented systems and cloud object stores, giving you a complete view of your enterprise data.

      Powered by Apache Kafka and Apache Pinot

      Confluent Cloud is powered by Apache Kafka®. StarTree Cloud is powered by Apache Pinot™. From inception, Apache Pinot was specifically designed to integrate directly with Apache Kafka. Today the two systems are often deployed side-by-side in open source environments.

      This partnership ensures you benefit from a fully-managed, fully-tested, fully-integrated real-time streaming analytics solution from the companies driving the innovation behind these widely-adopted open source projects.


      Get Started Today

      If you are a Confluent Cloud and StarTree Cloud customer, you can set up your data ingestion in minutes. If you are not yet using both of these solutions in your data architecture, there’s no time like the present to put your data in motion.

      Dialpad, for example, is powering its customer intelligence platform with StarTree Cloud and Confluent Cloud. Read their Case Study to find out how this powerful duo has not only enabled real-time insights for call center managers but also drastically reduced data ingestion latencies.

      Dialpad Case Study

      If you want to get started with real-time analytics and are already a Confluent Cluster, sign up for a free trial of StarTree Cloud:

      Start Free

      Not yet a Confluent customer? Start your free trial of Confluent Cloud today. New signups receive $400 to spend during their first 30 days—no credit card required.

        Request a Consultation to learn more about Confluent & StarTree Cloud

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